The Media
Spin Behind “Diversity”
Watch “Diversity,” the latest Language
Watch video brought to you by Restoration of America
Americans always valued merit, yet the Left weaponized the word
“Diversity” to undermine it. We’ve all seen the negative impacts of
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives that focus on
qualities that have nothing to do with qualifications.
The meaning behind words matters. Judging people on anything other
than merit is wrong.
This is the Left’s assault on our language, designed for political
gain—and it only stops when we become aware of the attack and push
In this new video series, we tackle the
Left’s top political buzzwords one-by-one to reveal the bias, lies,
and truth-twisting by the media.
Catch our latest episode on "diversity" here:

The Left
Made Trump’s Attempted Assassination All About AR-15s, But Americans
Are Done Listening
Trump showed his grit and
resilience on July 13, and the Left quickly tried to counteract the
situation by highlighting “gun violence” in America.
As Americans grapple with the attempted assassination of former
President Donald Trump and begin to perceive him as a xxxxxx between
the authoritarian left and the American republic, “progressives”
instead vilify the weapon of choice in an attempt to shift the
narrative in their favor.
Can you blame them?
President Trump demonstrated to the American people that he remains
the resolute leader he professes to be, even under gunfire—an
authenticity that cannot be fabricated. The Left’s intent to shift the
narrative towards “gun violence” detracts from the notion that Trump
endures attacks on behalf of the American people (a rather formidable
image) and continues to stand stubbornly against his adversaries—even
at the potential cost of his own life.

Deere Quickly Changes Tune: DEI Is Now DEAD
The green tractor company went
from selling farm equipment to punishing employees for not agreeing
with their woke agenda—until a recent abrupt change.
Employees at John Deere have been punished for views that are
contrary to the company’s woke agenda and the CEO led the call for
informants to snitch on those who didn’t comply. Thanks to Robby
Starbuck and employee whistleblowers who exposed the woke agenda, John
Deere just reversed course. Let’s look at how it all unfolded.
A message from John Deere’s CEO John May encouraged his employees
to snitch on each other if they saw any violations of the diversity
code. May further required his employees to complete diversity
awareness training which included an obligation to understand
“unconscious bias,” and employees had to integrate DEI into everything
they did. If they didn’t acknowledge and celebrate the pro-trans, woke
agenda they risked losing their job.

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