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Dear John,
You’re among the most dedicated supporters of the Entertainment Community Fund. Because I know you care about ensuring a bright future for our industry, I want to share an opportunity for your contribution to have a lasting impact.
Making a legacy gift is one of the most meaningful ways you can help those who dedicate their lives to the performing arts and ensure that the Fund can answer their call when they need us—now and in the future.
The Edwin Forrest Society is a group of dedicated individuals who have included the Fund in their will or estate plans.
To make this process as easy as possible, we have partnered with FreeWill, a specialist in estate planning, that makes it easy to include the Fund in your estate plans. With FreeWill, the process of creating a will is simple, user-friendly, fast and free! You can create a will or trust in 20 minutes or less.
Making a planned gift through FreeWill can be as simple as following four easy steps.

In addition to creating a legal will, Fund donors can also use the FreeWill tool for other important services, such as making a gift from your IRA (known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution or QCD).
Because there is a lot to consider with a planned gift, I encourage you to visit our website to learn more. I also invite you to explore which option aligns best with your current and future needs and wishes by contacting Jay Haddad, Manager of Principal and Planned Giving, directly at 917.281.5928 or by email at [email protected]. Even if you decide you want to see an attorney to make your will, FreeWill can still be a valuable tool to get all the necessary information in order, saving you time and money.
If you have already included the Fund in your will or estate plans, we would also love to acknowledge your special commitment by welcoming you into our Edwin Forrest Society!
I truly hope you will consider making a planned gift. It is a wonderful way to show how much you care.
 Joe Benincasa (he, him, his) President and CEO