Tell us what you want to see in future editions of our global newsletter, Front Lines!
First: thank you as always for your commitment to the global fight for reproductive rights.
Second: can I ask for two minutes of your time to fill out a special survey?
My team and I are delivering updates from the front lines (pun intended) directly to your inbox and want to make sure you're receiving the news that matters to you most.
Please take our survey and tell us what you want to see in future editions of Front Lines.
Tell us your priorities, what news you most want to hear about, and what inspires and fuels your commitment to the global fight for reproductive rights. Your responses will inform future issues of Front Lines!
Thank you again for all that you do, and for your commitment to expanding reproductive rights—from the U.S., to Kenya, to Poland, and around the world.
Thank you,
Nancy Northup
President & CEO
P.S. The survey is only four questions long and will take about two minutes—we hope you'll take the time to share your opinion!