Hey Fellow Conservative,

Yesterday, Joe Biden resigned from his presidential campaign and endorsed Kamala Harris. 

Within a few hours, Kamala raised $50 MILLION as the likely new Democratic nominee for president.

Democrat elites just admitted what many Americans have known for years: Joe Biden is NOT mentally fit to lead our country. 

The Democrat Party elites have completely disregarded the democratic primary process. They will stop at NOTHING to continue the radical open-border policies of the Biden Administration.

This is the reality, Friend. Democrats are coming for the White House and Congress. They don't care who's in the way — including their own President!

Take a moment to chip in ANY amount today to help defend America from Democrat Elites!

Our country cannot handle four more years of open borders, corrupt politicians, and unlimited spending. 

"Border Czar" Kamala is responsible for the MILLIONS of illegal aliens who have entered our country.

I'm doing everything I can to RESTORE your voice in government. This country was founded by the people and for the people… and the RULE OF LAW.

My mission would be impossible without Patriots like you, Fellow Conservative. Can you help me out with a quick donation? Even $5 or $10 makes a huge difference.
George Soros, Wendy Davis, Beto O'Rourke... they're all coming for Texas. 

We MUST be prepared to defend our state and country. 

We're trying to send a LOUD and CLEAR message to Liberal Elites that Americans DO NOT want four more years of open borders and unlimited spending. Click here to help my defend our country!
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For Texas,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

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