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Below are today's updates on the District's response to the coronavirus pandemic. For the latest and most comprehensive information always visit

COVID-19 Test Site Opening at UDC-Bertie Backus

Mayor Bowser announced that Thursday, April 23, DC Health is opening a new public testing site at the UDC-CC Bertie Backus campus in Ward 5. The testing site will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays for walk-thru and drive-thru service, by appointment only. To schedule a test, call: 1-855-363-0333.

It was also announced today that DC Health is expanding the criteria/priority groups for testing to allow some asymptomatic individuals who have a history of exposure and are in high-risk groups to be prioritized for testing.

Residents are Encourage to Vote by Mail This June

For the 2020 Primary Election, 20 Vote Centers will be open for 11 days (Vote Centers will be closed on Memorial Day), including the June 2, 2020 Primary Election Day. Voting via mail-in ballots is strongly encouraged but is not required. Details on the effort to inform the public about these changes are included in the section below. The closure of precincts is something that has not happened before, however, mail-in ballot voting has been conducted in the District since 2010. The decision to encourage mail-in ballots will also be explained below.
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