Announcing the 2024
Sister District Olympics!

Don't Be Left on the Bench!

Now is the time for all of us to do our part. President Biden’s historic decision to step out of the race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris has re-energized our progressive movement and voters across America. Sister District is supporting the top of the ticket by mobilizing voters in the most strategic districts in battleground states and electing progressive state leaders who will hold the line no matter what happens. 


This year, while we tune in to cheer on Team USA (or whomever you root for), Sister District will host a simultaneous Olympics of our own for our first Week of Action of 2024! You can do YOUR part by joining us in supporting our candidates and competing for medals across Phonebanking and Fundraising events during the duration of the Olympics, Friday, July 26 - Sunday, August 11.


Sister District Metro Area is pleased to announce that we are on the Early Money Energizers Team, along with our all-star teammates, the San Francisco, Yolo, Southern VT, East Bay, and North Carolina chapters.


How do we compete?  Well...we have EVENTS!


There will be three phonebanking and three fundraising events, which are listed below. Gold, silver, and bronze medals will be awarded for every event. The Organizing Department will track the metrics...AND WE ARE GOING FOR THE GOLD!


Phonebanking Events

  1. Total number of calls made to voters during the Olympics

  2. Total number of undecided voters found during the Olympics

  3. Total number of volunteers found during the Olympics


Fundraising Events

  1. Total dollars raised during the Olympics

  2. Total number of unique donors during the Olympics

  3. Total number of unique donations during the Olympics


What can I do?  


Sister District DC Metro Area has several fundraising activities planned over the course of the Olympics. YOU can contribute by:


1.  Signing up to phonebank for Woodson Bradley (NC Senate 42) and Anna Thomas (PA House 137) on Wednesdays, 6:30-8 pm ET!  We have two phonebanks scheduled during the Olympics, and you can sign up here:

2.  Getting Blitzed!  Our fundraising blitz for Woodson Bradley starts Monday, July 29, at 12:01 AM.

3.  Joining us on SEPTEMBER 5 for a live fundraiser for Woodson Bradley and Anna Thomas in conjunction with the Woman's National Democratic Club and Diversity Matters.


Before You Go...

Sister District's mission is to imagine, build, and expand progressive power in state legislatures, and we know that organizing around elections is just one piece of the puzzle.


That's why we're amplifying the voices of local lawmakers, educating the public about the importance of state leaders and policies, and inspiring people to deepen their civic engagement -- especially locally and down-ballot.


Your Sister District DC Metro Area Leaders

Sarah, Karen, Jennie, Alan, Jim, Mary, Jeff, Sheri, Allison, and Lynn


Paid for by Sister District Project. Authorized by Friends of Anna Thomas (HD 137).