Good morning, Yesterday, we asked readers if they thought Democrat voters would accept Kamala Harris as a replacement for Joe Biden on the November ballot. Today, you'll find their answers. This is the Texas Minute for Tuesday, July 23, 2024.
Dan Patrick Says Obama is Seeking 'Fourth Term'
- Following President Joe Biden’s announcement that he will not seek reelection, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has said that former President Barack Obama is gearing up for a “fourth term.” Will Biagini has the story.
- “The June debate was a hit job on Biden by his own party; humiliating him was step one to run him out,” wrote Dan Patrick. He went on to accuse Obama of running the current White House, instead of Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris.
- Meanwhile, Gov. Greg Abbott has criticized Harris for her “utter failure" as the administration's “border czar.” Abbott added, “America’s future is bleak if the border czar becomes president.”
Cornyn Urges Defense Department to Block Chinese Wind Farm
- U.S. Sen. John Cornyn is urging the U.S. Department of Defense to either terminate or suspend the environmental permit for the Blue Hills Wind Farm in northern Val Verde County due to security concerns raised by its proximity to Laughlin Air Force Base. Debra McClure has the details.
- The land was purchased by Sun Guangxin, an oligarch with ties to the Chinese Communist Party. He is intent on placing "hundreds of 700-foot wind turbines" on the property that experts have warned could impede the operations of the air base or be used for spying.
- “Extending the current mitigation agreement without fully understanding any ongoing connection to the Chinese is unwise and short-sighted.” – John Cornyn
Lawmakers Want Phelan's DEM Committee Chair to Hold Hearings on Lobbying, Illegal Immigration, and Taxes
- Before the legislative session begins in January, Republican lawmakers are calling on another Democrat chair in the Texas House to allow a study on a series of hot-button issues. Brandon Waltens has the report.
- Democrat State Rep. Victoria Neave Criado was placed in charge of the House Committee on County Affairs by Speaker Dade Phelan.
- While Phelan did not task the committee to study any issues before the next legislative session, Republican State Reps. Tony Tinderholt and Nate Schatzline are trying to change that. They sent a letter yesterday to Criado asking for hearings on taxpayer-funded lobbying, property tax elimination, and the impact of illegal immigration.
- A majority of Republican lawmakers say they want to end the practice of putting Democrats in charge of committees, but Phelan has said he will not waver from the practice if he is re-elected as speaker.
Death of Shelia Jackson Lee Creates Open House Seat
Lorena Parents Want School Admins Suspended Over Sex Abuse Scandal
- Parents in Lorena Independent School District are asking the state agency that oversees educator certification to suspend two administrators who failed to protect pre-K students from a teacher’s sexual abuse. Erin Anderson has the story.
- Lorena ISD’s superintendent and school board trustees have denied multiple requests from the community to hold Lorena Primary School Principal April Jewell accountable for allegedly “looking the other way” while a teacher under her supervision abused girls in his pre-K classroom during the 2020-21 school year. More than 800 Lorena residents have signed a petition calling for Jewell to resign.
- Now, parents from Lorena are seeking help from the Texas Education Agency’s State Board for Educator Certification, which makes final decisions on disciplinary actions in misconduct cases against certified educators.
- A federal lawsuit alleges Jewell ignored multiple reports about the teacher's inappropriate behavior.
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On July 23, 1777, Louis XVI of France agreed to supply Americans with munitions in the War of Independence.
"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money."
Democrat powerbrokers refused to allow any challenge to Joe Biden for their party's nomination this year. Now that the country has seen his cognitive and physical frailty on display, the party elite pushed him out of the race yesterday in a move fraught with political and legal landmines. In withdrawing from the race, Biden also announced his endorsement of Kamala Harris for president. Yesterday, we asked readers if they thought Democrat voters would accept the bait-and-switch and support Harris in November. Just under 73 percent of readers think rank-and-file Democrats will accept Harris as the nominee, while
27.1 percent do not. Here is a sampling of the responses we received from readers after they answered the survey...
“It doesn't matter what name is on the ballot, DJT's running against the Democrat machine. And it will stop at nothing to retain power.” – Cindy Armstrong
“Democrats would vote for a mushroom (again) as long as there is a ‘D’ after it.” – George Rodda
“They have to vote for Harris. She was a DEI hire. They can't turn their back on her now, no matter how awful she is.” – Heather Hunter
“Too many people would vote for an eggplant if it had a (D) after it on the ballot.” – Kermit Heaton
“I think the ‘sheep’ of the Democratic Party will vote for her. But I’m betting that the open convention is going to be a real circus. I’ll be watching with my popcorn.” – Dawn Gerstenberger
“While the Democrat Party is ‘saving democracy,’ they are making sure their voters have no voice in whom they want for president. And like good little sheep, democrat voters will do as they’re told, and like it.” – Cheryl Alexander
“Truth is not a left-wing value. They will lie to their own people to achieve the power they desire.” – Brent Shutt
“Kamala Harris will almost certainly not be on the Democrat ticket for POTUS in November.” – Harry Hingst
“Democrat voters have always outworked Republican voters. They understand what it takes to get and keep power. Democrats harvest ballots, walk neighborhoods, organize, and spend their weekends working for their candidates so that they’ll win. They have created a well-oiled machine. Democrats work hard to win Presidential and local elections. They’re extremely focused. Republicans complain online, vote for the President every four years, pray, fly a Trump flag or banner, and go to rallies. Only one side truly wants to win.” – Catherine Buschold
“Once we see Democrat leadership (Soros) endorse Kamala, all the rest of the clapping seals will follow right along.” – Chris Breaux
“The same voters who aren't smart enough to see that Joe Biden isn't fit to run our country will be equally blinded by Kamala's lack of ability.” – Bernadine Pearce
“Their motto is ‘vote blue no matter who.’ Combine that with the fact that they hate Donald Trump so much, the race is going to be a tough one. They don’t care how wildly unqualified Harris is, she is not Trump.” – Jennifer Hyland
“If the democrat voter was willing to vote for one incompetent politician, I am confident that they will vote for this other incompetent politician.” – Dennis Scharp
“While I think Harris is ‘dumber than a box of rocks,’ Dems will vote for her because it’s the party, not the person!” – Hamila Hobson
“The bigger concern should be... Will the 80+ million supposed voters be fooled like they were in the 2020 'elections,' and continue to believe in the lies fed to them by Democrats and their Propaganda Ministry, the MSM?” – John R. Makow
“While the Democrat hardliners will most certainly vote for Harris, I believe the sentiment of your question asks how many otherwise faithful Democrats will just stay home. I think that number will be—for those of us who truly care about the country—a welcome disaster for Democrats.” – Roger Taylor
“I think Democrats will rally behind Kamala Harris, and she will pick Mark Kelly as her running mate.” – Kim Brittain
“I think there are some democratic politicians that would like to challenge Harris, however, out of threats, intimidation, and fear of suicide to their careers, they may choose to be silent.” – Cindy Kelley
“Don't get comfy. There may be more to the Democrats' bait-and-switch scheme.” – Mike Smith
“Democrat voters will do as they’re told and gladly follow along like the sheep they are.” – Tina Bartley
“They only care for the power, not values or fixing things!” – Gary Reeves
“Given how they swallow Democrats’ talking points then try to spread the nonsense, I’m sure they will be like lemmings and go over the cliff voting for Harris.” – James Davis
“Give Democrats some ability to judge situations properly. Many of them understand that Kamala Harris is poison for the party and the country. A dark horse will emerge to be the next loser. After a year and a half of cramming Biden down America's throat, voters will not be kind to ANY Democrat candidate.” – Arthur Potter
John xxxxxx
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