Incredible news: the tiny US state of Vermont just voted overwhelmingly to ban bee-killing neonicotinoids in a move that could upend the ENTIRE pesticides industry.
For decades, Bayer-Monsanto has relied on loose US laws to peddle their poisons and set low standards for pesticides use across the world — a grim strategy that’s killed hundreds of millions of bees and turned meadows, parks and fields into dead zones. But now local regulators are staging a David Vs Goliath fight to protect nature. And we can help!
Three more US states have already put forward bills restricting neonics use. If enough of us chip in the cost of a coffee, we can hit go on a massive people’s lobbying push to get them over the line — running ads targeting on-the-fence politicians, upping media pressure with briefings for local journalists on the harms of neonics and commissioning polls to show just how much people in these states want the proposed curbs to pass.
This could be a turning point in the fight for the bees. We’ve already won a neonics ban in Europe – if the US follows, it could spell the end for Bayer’s reign of poison. Can you chip in now to save the bees?
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Neonicotinoids are so toxic that one teaspoon is enough to kill 1.25 billion honeybees. And a songbird can die from eating a single seed dipped in the pesticide.
But for decades, the chemical giants have been free to flood the market with these poisons, trashing our countryside and causing untold harm to wildlife, all so they can rake in billions of dollars in profits.
This is our chance to end the destruction and start to restore what’s been lost. Dedicated campaigning from scientists, conservationists and citizens like you is paying off, with more and more regulators waking up to the truth about neonics. But standing up to Bayer is a big deal and they won’t do it without public pressure.
If everyone reading this chips in even a small amount, we’ll be able to take the fight to each state legislature, running highly targeted campaigns that ramp up the heat on crucial decision-makers and use local voices to make the case for action. And if these states move, the momentum will be unstoppable! But we need to get going right away. Can you help?
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