Biden's Out! The Threat of Trump Remains - How Should DSA & the Left Respond?

Special Guest Speakers!

Seattle DSA's July Chapter Membership Meeting

Tomorrow, Tues., July 23


Southside Commons & Online Option



We have 2 exciting discussion planned for tomorrow's July Chapter Membership meeting! We’ll be talking about US relations with Cuba with our guests, as well as having a discussion on the recent developments in the US presidential elections with Biden dropping out, Kamala Harris on the rise and the threat of Trump. Should DSA, socialists, and the Left support Kamala Harris, abstain from the presidential elections and focus on local campaigns, support the strongest Left wing candidate like Jill Stein or Cornell West or sone combination of the above?


Join us for this important discussion!

Special Guest Speakers:

  • Yasser Ibarra:  First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba
  • David Ramirez Alvarez: Second Secretary & Cultural Attaché, United States at the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba