July 22, 2024
Biden dropped out of the race yesterday. But what were the real motivations
behind this uncharacteristic move for the egomaniac? In today's episode,
I'll cover the causes and effects of this news, the ongoing fallout of the
attempted assassination, along with some highlights from last week's
historic RNC.
CNN "Fact-Checker" Gets Blasted on CNN
Rep. Mike Waltz blasted CNN’s “fact-checker” Daniel Dale live during
an appearance on CNN during the Republican National Convention for claiming
an easily proven statement of his was false.
RECAP: Psaki Floats VP Harris As Potential Biden Replacement - Says We're
Racist If We Don't Vote for Her
Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who now looks competent by
comparison, floated Vice President Donald Trump – err – Kamala Harris
as a potential replacement to Joe Biden.
TRENDING VIDEO: Zuckerberg makes confession, sets internet on FIRE with
statement on Trump
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Bongino at:
Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm
City, FL 34991
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