Dear Patriot, I wanted to make sure I followed-up with you about my recent message. The next few months could be our defining moment, with important decisions that must be made at once. Without your opinion -- and your IMMEDIATE support -- I’m afraid I could be forced to make deep cuts in Campaign for Liberty’s most important programs. That’s why I hope you’ll please take a few minutes to read every word of my original message below, fill out your C4L Supporter Ballot, and -- if possible -- agree to your most generous contribution today. Please don’t take this lightly! These decisions could have ramifications that last for years -- not just weeks or months -- so please give this your most careful consideration. And remember, time is very short -- these decisions must be made in the next few days -- so it’s critical you act IMMEDIATELY! For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman |
![]() Dear Patriot, Can you stomach the stuff the
statists at every level of government have thrown at you and me in recent weeks? That’s why Congress has also been in on the censorship with draconian legislation like the Establishment Protection Act (H.R. 1), that would: *** Impose sweeping new regulations on organizations like Campaign for Liberty, to keep us quiet and cripple our
effectiveness during election years; But I’m afraid that’s not even the worst of it. Section 215 of this federal law is the section surveillance state apologists point to for the warrantless collection of your (and every other American’s) emails, phone records, text messages, Internet searches, instant messages, online purchases, and Facebook posts. The good news is, just before the coronavirus panic kicked off, you and I defied the predictions of the so-called political experts by not only forcing the Senate to allow three controversial surveillance provisions to temporarily expire but also making it 100% clear SHAM FISA reform is unacceptable.But our fight is far from over! In fact, the Deep State’s media elite pals are pushing coronavirus inspired headlines like: “US spies will use eavesdropping tools and undercover informants to monitor . . . spread of coronavirus” Warrantless Deep State spying on you, me, or any law-abiding American -- even for a second -- is just plain wrong. The fact is, the Deep State has proven they’ll abuse their domestic spying powers. And despite the Deep State’s promises, domestic government spying has never done anything to catch a terrorist, nor will it stop a pandemic. For you and me, that’s no surprise. Of course, that’s never what these schemes have been about. From the beginning, they’ve ALWAYS been about shutting up voices like yours and mine who support American freedom. As I warned you at the time, the “USA Freedom Act” did nothing but put a fig leaf on the so-called “PATRIOT Act.” Instead of the NSA collecting the private communications of every American, Congress simply instructed communications companies to act as the NSA’s filing cabinet -- and insisted these companies jump whenever the NSA told them to. Now, it appears the NSA can’t even abide by these laughably minimal restrictions. Just recently, court documents revealed the NSA illegally collected millions upon millions of phone call and message records on innocent Americans! And President Trump’s own experience -- including being targeted by FBI spies and CIA-approved “whistleblowers” within the White House -- should show EVERYONE why we cannot continue to allow America to be transformed into George Orwell’s 1984! So if you think STOPPING permanent reauthorization of the so-called “USA Freedom Act” and expansion of government snooping powers should be our top priority, please mark, “STOP GOVERNMENT SPYING” on your Supporter Ballot. But before you do, there’s one more thing I hope you’ll consider -- one more BIG THING. . . That’s our fight to Audit the Fed. As I’ve said for years, the Federal Reserve remains the heart of everything you and I HATE about Washington, D.C. With their “print-now, ask-questions-later” policies, they fuel the out-of-control Big Government Leviathan that never stops growing, never stops seizing our freedoms, and never stops the mad rush to full-blown socialism. Even before Congress’ latest spending spree, the national debt had ballooned to over $23 TRILLION under the economic myth they can spend and spend without consequence because the Federal Reserve can simply print the money out of thin air without anyone suffering the slightest when the bills must be paid.The truth is, the Fed’s meddling in the markets is why a major economic storm was brewing in our financial system long before this coronavirus panic. It’s something I warned about last fall, when in September, the Fed started issuing hundreds of billions of dollars in bailouts to the “Repo” market -- a key financial market banks and other financial institutions use for short-term funding. As Fortune noted early on: “The repo market is looking a lot like it did on the precipice of the 2007 housing market crash.”
But now, instead of being exposed as the culprit of another 2008-like financial collapse caused by Fed-enabled congressional over-spending, the Fed can blame everything on the coronavirus panic and the accompanying economic shutdown. And they’re telling anyone and everyone who will listen they’re the only ones who can “fix it.” The problems they created will far outlast the coronavirus. The trillions upon trillions in the Federal Reserve’s tidal wave of sweetheart loans and bailouts for their fat-cat bankster pals on Wall Street and politically-connected corporate cronies will only make it worse! Of course, the American people are NEVER to know where the trillions upon trillions in bailout money -- all doled out in secret -- goes thanks to Congress. But it will ultimately wreak devastation on American middle class. That’s why auditing the Fed NOW -- before it’s too late -- is so critical.So if you think finally EXPOSING the Federal Reserve should be most important, please mark “AUDIT THE FED -- BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!” on your Supporter Ballot. As you’ll see, there are no easy choices. “That’s FIGHT EVERYWHERE! DON’T GIVE AN INCH!” But please recognize how serious this is. Without a massive influx of funds, I simply won’t be able to run even a full program on any one of these critical battles, let alone all of them!Fighting the statists everywhere will mean I simply must count on you to go above and beyond what you’ve done in the past. That’s why I simply must hear from you right away. So can I please count on your most generous contribution of $50 TODAY? I know that’s a lot. I know it’s more than you’ve done in the past. So for those who can step up, I have to ask more of you. But if $50 is just too much, please make your most generous contribution of $25 or at least $10 IMMEDIATELY. Patriot, this could not be more serious. With the statists more radical than ever, the stakes are higher for the Liberty Movement than ever before. I’m counting on you to rise to the occasion. So please submit your Supporter Ballot right away and tell me how to proceed. For Liberty,![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. As you’ll
see, I’ve prepared a special Campaign for Liberty Supporter Ballot for you to fill out. |