John —

When Kennedy Brewer was released from prison in 2007, he had narrowly escaped execution for the murder and assault of his then-girlfriend’s toddler. Much like Levon Brooks, Kennedy had been convicted largely based on the testimony of forensic dentist Michael West, who claimed to match his teeth to marks found on the victim.

And like Levon, Kennedy was innocent.

Watch Kennedy and Levon’s stories now.
Kennedy Brewer at the time of his arrest in 1992 and then in 2019. Photos courtesy of Netflix.
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Faulty forensics played a role in nearly half of all cases in which someone was exonerated through DNA testing. Bite mark analysis is notoriously unreliable, and Dr. West, who testified at Kennedy’s trial, had been previously discredited. The prosecution chose to rely on his testimony anyway. In this case, the marks on the victim’s body were eventually explained by animal activity in the creek where her body remained for two days before being found.

In 2008, Kennedy was officially cleared of charges, becoming the first person to be exonerated through post-conviction DNA testing in Mississippi.

Despite the state of Mississippi’s wrongdoing, he received woefully inadequate compensation and has spent the years since his release working various factory jobs. Had he not lost all of these years behind bars, he would have been well-positioned to have a sustainable and dependable income by now.

Tragedy recently struck again for Kennedy. A few weeks ago, his mother died and he suffered a stroke days after. Thankfully, he is recovering, but it’s unlikely he will be able to return to work anytime soon. Please consider contributing to the fundraiser his family is running on his behalf here.

Thank you for your support,

Vanessa Potkin
Director, Post-Conviction Litigation
Innocence Project
The Innocence Project exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.

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