I am running to be President of the United States.

It has been the honor of a lifetime to serve alongside our Commander-in-Chief, my friend, President Joe Biden -- one of the finest public servants we will ever know. And I am honored to have his support and endorsement.

And I am eager to run on the record of what Joe and I have accomplished together. We built our country back after our predecessor left it in shambles -- making historic progress in reducing prescription drug costs, upgrading our nation’s infrastructure, fighting climate change, and more. We are stronger today because we took action -- together -- to invest in America’s future.

I am excited to continue to work toward our vision for a better future for all. But, we also need to flip the balance of power in the House and restore Democrats’ House majority to deliver progress for the American people. If that’s all you need to hear, then split a donation between the DCCC and my campaign today.

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I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination.

In the coming days, as I hit the campaign trail to meet with Americans and lay out the choice in front of voters in the fall, I cannot imagine two more starkly different visions for where we want our country to go.

We can choose the dark path of Project 2025, with less freedom and more division. Or we can choose to pull together and do the work -- For The People.

These are not ordinary times. And this will not be an ordinary election. But this is our America. And I need you with me in this fight. So, I have to ask:

Will you split a $3 donation today between the DCCC and my team to elect me as President of the United States and defeat Donald Trump and Republicans across the country? Whatever you are able to give in this moment will go a long way in our collective fight.

Together, I know we can win this election and save democracy.

More soon,

Kamala Harris
Vice President of the United States

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