Indivisible has formally endorsed Kamala Harris for president Indivisibles,
After President Biden announced his decision to withdraw from the race, we asked you to weigh in on what should happen next. The response we got was overwhelming. Over 93% of Indivisibles said we should follow Biden's lead and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris. So that's exactly what we've done.

Our endorsement is backed by an army of grassroots volunteers who are ready to go out and win this election. If you haven't already, click here to take our pledge to do all you can to elect VP Harris, defeat Trump, and protect our democracy.
While we're lining up to back Harris' historic candidacy, Republicans are looking for any opportunity to sow division in our coalition and shape a narrative of dysfunction and infighting.
Instead, we can give them a story about unity, resolve, and unbridled enthusiasm heading into November. How do we do that? Public events. Surges in volunteering. And record-breaking fundraising that’ll make headlines and fuel the grassroots organizing that’ll deliver victory this November.
If you've already taken the pledge, you can click here to pitch in and power our GOTV work to win back a Democratic trifecta. Every donation is a statement of resolve and an investment in a progressive future we know is possible with Harris on the ballot. And if you want to proudly wear your support for Vice President Harris on your sleeve, check out our brand-new shirts in our merch store -- your purchase will help us fund all of our work from now until Election Day.
Make sure to read Ezra's email below to find more ways to get involved and show your commitment to fighting for reproductive rights and our democracy. And be on the lookout for more opportunities for action soon!
In solidarity, Indivisible Team
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Indivisible Team Date: Sun, July 21, 2024 Subject: URGENT: Weigh in on Indivisible’s next steps
You’ve seen the news. In the greatest demonstration of personal political sacrifice in service of democracy that I have ever seen, President Joe Biden announced he is passing the baton to Vice President Harris to run for president this year.
I am floored. It’s hard not to sound schmaltzy, but I am genuinely inspired to see such an incredible display of leadership. Joe Biden ran in 2020 to save American democracy. He has led a historic administration and delivered transformative progressive wins. Now, in an act of heroic political leadership -- and directly in contrast to the selfishness of Donald Trump -- President Biden is passing the baton to the next generation. It’s a truly historic moment, and he deserves our gratitude and admiration.
I’m writing with three quick asks:
1) Help us capitalize on this moment.
Click here and you'll be taken to our new Indivisible Pledge where you can sign on to demonstrate your support to do the work to defeat Trump. We hope you'll forward this pledge to as many people as possible, and ask them to join us. After you pledge to do the work to win, we're going to ask you to chip in to fund Indivisible's work this year for two important reasons:
- First, we now have a lot of new work to do to introduce a new candidate to America -- work we hadn’t budgeted for this year. The support you give now will go directly into this new, necessary campaign to build enthusiasm and recruit volunteers at a crucial time.
- Second, for better or worse, the entire political world will be looking at fundraising numbers right now as a measure of enthusiasm. This is a way for us to set a narrative about unity and massive energy. I want to be able to say something like, “In a demonstration of grassroots enthusiasm, Indivisible had its largest fundraising day in years.” Based on what we’ve already seen, I think that’s achievable if enough folks step up and donate today.
2) Prepare to take advantage of this moment.
Despite being vice president, most Americans know very little about Vice President Harris. There are moments of major breaking developments when you have folks’ attention. This is one of the moments, and we need to seize it. We have the power to change the narrative from “Democrats in disarray” to “the grassroots is united and THRILLED about our nominee.” I’d encourage you to start talking among your groups about how best to do that, and stay tuned for specific resources we’ll be making available. Two immediate recommended actions:
- Local endorsements. If you belong to a local Indivisible group, I would encourage you to take a vote in that group to issue a formal endorsement of Kamala Harris. We would like to demonstrate widespread support throughout the movement, and a long list of local Indivisible groups in blue, purple, and red states will help us do that. If your group issues an endorsement, please let us know here. We’ll pass any message you send us onto the campaign.
- Local events. We will be supporting local Indivisible group events to introduce Harris to your communities, tap into enthusiasm and interest, and recruit new volunteers for the campaign. Stay tuned for more information about this.
3) Come to our discussion TODAY.
Come to our movement-wide discussion with me and Leah today (Monday, July 22) at 4pm ET. We had already scheduled a movement-wide coffee chat with me and Leah. Now we’ll use that call to take questions and discuss how we’ll move forward as a movement to win. You can register here.
I’ll say again: I am inspired by President Biden’s leadership. I am committed to doing everything I can to make sure we earn the confidence he has placed in Harris and all of us to finish this job. Let’s go win this thing.
In solidarity, Ezra
Ezra Levin
Co-Executive Director
Pronouns: He/him