More than 2,408 people have signed on to our petition to the U.S. Congress to protect vital funding for resilience programs. These critical projects combat chronic hunger and displacement for the 362 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. Will you join them to show strong support for the hundreds of millions of people who need aid in the face of conflict and disaster?
Right now, Congress is making critical and final budget decisions for this upcoming fiscal year. Tell your representatives they must pass sufficient funding for resilience-building work that helps overcome humanitarian crises here in the United States and abroad. Take action now ▸ — Mercy Corps team ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mercy Corps <[email protected]> Date: Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 12:39 PM Subject: ✏️ Sign the petition: Congress must fund resilience-building work |
Families across the globe are experiencing unprecedented levels of hardship. From extreme weather to severe hunger and conflict-related violence, humanitarian crises are stripping children of an education, families of a home, and communities of prosperity. Yet, this last fiscal year, Congress reduced funding for development work by over 10%. This lack of funding has directly impacted resilience-building programs worldwide that are critical to helping communities combat hunger, poverty, and climate-related emergencies. Congress must act now: Tell your representatives to protect funding for programs that promote sustainable development, reduce poverty, and help communities prosper around the globe.
U.S. global investments in resilience-building programs are key to improving vulnerable communities. The programs help families recover from catastrophes, better prepare for weather emergencies, reduce malnutrition and food insecurity, and help communities grow stronger, safer, and healthier. Studies show that for every $1 invested in these resilience-building programs, the U.S. saves roughly $3 in future humanitarian aid by avoiding losses early. Right now, our country’s leaders are debating and drafting final decisions ahead of the next fiscal year’s budget deadline. You have the opportunity to make your voice heard in this critical decision-making process. Urge your representative to protect critical funding for programs that help communities withstand conflict, natural disasters, and economic shocks. Thank you for taking action, The Mercy Corps team |