Friend —

This week we launched the National UndocuFund, the latest program from United We Dream to directly help immigrants impacted by the COVID-19 emergency who have been excluded from the government’s relief packages.

We set a goal of helping 300 immigrants and their families with $400 each. This means raising $120,000 and as of today, we’re about 64% of the way to reaching that goal.

If everyone who opened this email donated just $10 or $15, we’d easily close the gap and help those households. We have to act fast — immigrants need this emergency assistance to put food on the table, get to and from their essential jobs, and care for their families.

Can you help us today with a donation of any amount? 100% of all donations to the National UndocuFund will go DIRECTLY to immigrant households who need it.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our communities are some of the hardest hit when it comes to the COVID-19 emergency. Many people work in jobs that have shut down or in jobs requiring public contact and yet we have the least access to benefits and resources offering relief. That’s where this team comes in. We have joined together before to fight for our communities, to protect them, and to demand better. Now we can literally help put food on people’s tables.

If you can, please consider making a donation to the National UndocuFund today. Every dollar of your gift will go toward an immigrant household affected by the COVID-19 health crisis.

If YOU or someone you know could use help from the National UndocuFund, please check out our info page. Application forms are not available yet but here you can find all of the details including when and how to apply at

— Claudia and the rest of the team at United We Dream

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