Friend --

Tonight night at 8:30 pm EDT Jose Vega and I, joined by prominent retired intelligence professionals, will be holding a Zoom call to amplify the call of Helga Zepp-LaRouche for a "Council of Reason" -- an assembly of seasoned statesmen and women from around the world to delibate on the rapidly shifting strategic situation.

With the long-awaited announcement that President Biden is withdrawing from the presidential race, following the attempted assassination of leading presidential contender Donald Trump, the question on the mind of every sentient person is "Who is actually running the United States?"? The American people have been absent for decades in the wake of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and the cultural shift which followed.? It is time for the American people to stand up, informed and ennobled by the founding principles of our Republic, that all people are created equal, and deserve to be treated as such.? This includes respect for the sovereignty of nations, and their right to develop, free from outside interference.? Join the discussion tonight!



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