
July 22, 2024

Dear John:


Biden’s border crisis is impacting even more than the horrifying stories you see on the news. We have also seen an increase in illegal immigrants voting in federal elections and manipulating the Electoral College. In states like Minnesota, illegal immigrants are able to get driver’s licenses and other forms of identification that can be used to illegally vote. That is why was proud to I cosponsor the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which I am glad to say passed in the House earlier this month. 

This bill will require proof of citizenship when registering to vote and requires states to find ways to make it as easy as possible to register legally. It removes non-citizens from existing voter rolls. And, it empowers citizens to bring civil suits against election officials who fail to uphold these requirements. I’m excited to vote for this bill and I encourage my colleagues to join me in protecting the integrity of our elections.

It is illegal for non-citizens to vote in our elections. This legislation makes it harder for our election laws to be broken. It should have been very easy for every Member of Congress to vote for election integrity, and yet, 198 Democrats voted against it! Now, the American people have no doubt these Members of Congress don't respect the integrity of our elections.



Army Training Labels Pro-Life Organizations "Terrorist Groups"

Recently, there has been social media reports that anti-terrorism training conducted at Fort Liberty labels pro-life organizations as "terrorists". Obviously, this is deeply disturbing to the entire pro-life community, so I joined 80 of my colleagues in a bicameral letter to U.S. Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, demanding answers. 


The letter reads, "Smearing Pro-life Americans is despicable and emblematic of the ongoing politicization of the military under the Biden-Harris administration." It goes on to say, "It is no wonder that the Army is struggling to recruit young men and women to join its ranks when it appears the service attacks their values and promotes a woke agenda rather than improving readiness and lethality."


You can read the full letter here.

Protecting Americans From Biden's Energy Policies

The Biden Administration continues to push expensive and ineffective regulations in the name of the radical Green New Deal. In January, the Department of Energy proposed a rule to implement new efficiency standards for refrigerators and freezers, which will raise the cost of units for working class Americans. They have also proposed a similar rule for dishwashers. In response, the House passed the Refrigerator Freedom Act and the Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards Act to protect consumers and prevent these rules from taking effect.

Thanks for stopping by!

Here are just a few of the great groups that have come out to D.C. recently. I am grateful for everyone who takes the time to come speak with Members of Congress about the issues that are important to them.


It was so great to have the Care Providers of Minnesota come in for a conversation about the Administration’s nonsensical nursing staff mandate and what we can do to stop unhelpful regulations coming out of Washington.



Thank you to the Minnesota Broadcasters for the meeting to discuss the impact of AI, FCC consideration of the impact of streaming services, and other issues that matter to our local radio and TV stations.



The Minnesota Propane Association serves countless industries across Minnesota's Seventh District and I was glad to sit down with them while they were in D.C. to talk about energy choice, the Farm Bill, and more.


Now Accepting Fall Internship Applications

My office is now accepting Fall internship applications for my Willmar, Moorhead, and D.C. offices! If you are interested in first-hand knowledge of how federal legislation works or know someone who is, please visit my website! 

What matters most to you?

I want to keep you in the loop on what Congress is doing about issues that matter to you. Please click on any and all of the following issues you would like to receive updates on:




Thank you for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great week!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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