If you didn’t see it, yesterday, in what can only be described as a love letter
to Beto, the Houston Chronicle implored, urged, and begged Beto to....
Friend -
If you didn’t see it, yesterday, in what can only be described as a love
letter to Beto, theHouston Chronicle implored, urged, and begged Beto to drop
out of the presidential race and run against Senator Cornyn. Sadly, this
embarrassing display by theChronicle is not surprising… they are relentless in
their liberal advocacy.
Mark my words, as Beto’s presidential campaign falters, there will be more of
this. TheChronicle and other liberal media, pundits, and the DC chattering
class alike will implore Beto to drop out of the presidential race, and instead
run for senate here in Texas.
Friend, we have to get ahead of this. We have to show that Texas doesn’t want
another Beto bid for senate.
...Which is why we’ve started the Stand Against Beto Fund, with the goal of
1,000 supporters chipping in just $1.
Friend, will you chip in just $1 to the fund?
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You see, it’s not really about the money, it’s about making a firm commitment
that you will stand against Beto’s run.
It’s the best way to show him we won’t let Texas turn blue.
And, friend, that’s something that’s worth giving $1 for.
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Will you chip in immediately?
John Jackson
Campaign Manager
Paid for by Texans for Senator John Cornyn, Inc.
This email was sent to
[email protected]
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. With you on board, we’re one step closer to keeping Texas red and fighting to
create a future we can all be proud of. On behalf of all of us, we’re glad
you’re on board. Now that you’re on Team Cornyn, make sure that you’re keeping
up to date with the latest news. The best way to do so? Following our campaign
onFacebook <[link removed]> and Twitter
<[link removed]> – that way you’ll always be the first to
know when something important comes up. Now, if you’re still reading this, we
know you’rereally ready to stand up and protect Texas. To aid your fight, we
suggest you turnthis song <[link removed]> up on
full volume and do anything you can to help stop the dangerous policies being
pedaled by the left to oppose our president and replace our conservative Texas
values. Once you’re pumped up and ready to go, head over to ourvolunteer page
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and find out exactly how you can help. We’d be proud to have you join us.
Thank you for all you do to support John Cornyn for Senate. Don’t want to
receive additional updates? Click here tounsubscribe
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... But we’d rather you stick around. Together, we can protect this great state
we know and love, and promote a safe, prosperous, and healthy Texas.
Contributions to Texans for Senator John Cornyn, Inc. are not tax deductible.