We will organize, mobilize, and lead with love.

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

I am deeply grateful for President Bidens’ 50 years of service to our nation as a Senator, Vice President, and as the 46th President of the United States. The Biden-Harris White House has made real progress for millions of families across the United States and in my district, Massachusetts' 7th.

In this moment, it is clear that Vice President Kamala Harris is the best person to lead our nation forward, and I vigorously endorse her as our 47th President of the United States. Now, it’s time to get to work.

Vice President Harris is a proven strong, empathetic, and moral leader. She has been a clear leading voice on abortion rights, healthcare justice, and student debt cancellation. During her time in the Senate, we worked together on legislation to address the maternal health crisis, support Black-owned small businesses, advance housing justice, and protect voting rights.

We must do everything possible to help Vice President Kamala Harris win in November. What’s at stake in this election has not changed. The twice-impeached, national abortion ban-supporting, former occupant of the White House and those around him have made clear their plans to roll back our fundamental rights and freedoms. Every single one of us who cares about defeating Donald Trump must volunteer, knock doors, and chip in, to make sure Kamala Harris is elected as the next President of the United States.

Vice President Harris, your pursuit of the highest office in America is a powerful realization of a dream that so many have struggled for so long to make possible. And we’ve got your back. I’ve got your back.

This moment is historic. Vice President Harris carries on the legacy of millions of determined Black women who have been the backbone of the Democratic party for decades. In 2020, Black women voters were instrumental in defeating Donald Trump, and this November we will do it again — this time by casting our votes for the first Black woman to ever be a major party’s presidential nominee in our country’s history. And we will build a vibrant and diverse coalition that includes folks from every walk of life across this nation.

My promise to you is this: I will never stop pressing for abortion justice, racial justice, housing justice, and economic justice. This election could not be more consequential and I am deeply motivated by both what is at stake and what is possible. A more just America is possible. The future is on our side as long as we organize, mobilize, and lead with love. With Vice President Harris at the top of the ticket, and so many of you working hard for our grassroots movement, I know we can win.

