Hi friend - | We are 107 days away from November 5th, and worlds away from where we were eight short days ago. | From last Saturday’s failed assassination attempt and iconic rebound of President Trump, to, just a few hours ago, in an unprecedented move, President Biden’s announcement that he’s stepped down as the Democrat’s nominee for President. | What’s next? Well … buckle up. I won’t lay it all out here, but based on what we’re hearing we have every reason to believe the twists and turns have only just begun. | From now until November (and likely for some period of time thereafter) election integrity will be critical. Here’s what’s happening now, and some of what’s to come, at True the Vote: | SCAN. CHECK. PROTECT. - Over 20,000 people have used SCP to register to vote, check their registration, and remove old records. This is a great way to encourage engagement with family and friends! CLEANING VOTER ROLLS - We are a few weeks away from the August 8th deadline to challenge ineligible voter registration records. Our platform, IV3, has been used to great effect by over 35,000 volunteers. To date, 6,937 citizens have completed 645,610 challenges across 1,322 counties. LAUNCHING NEW ELECTION SUPPORT APP - Our new app, VoteAlert, is being tested right now and readied for launch in the next few weeks. This app will support realtime online reporting of election incidents and a bilingual toll free call line. TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING - Teambuilding, Logic and Accuracy Participation, Long Term Care and College Outreach, Election Workers, Ballot Signature Verification … and more … we’re hosting Q&A webinars 3x a week and focused trainings throughout the month. BUILDING QUICK REFERENCE GUIDES FOR ELECTION WORKERS - Over our nearly 15 years, we’ve learned that when you are working in the field, you need ready access to key intel, contacts, and specific election codes. Every state is different. We’re working with volunteers around the clock to complete these materials and begin distribution. PLANNING FOR EYES ON BALLOT DROPBOXES - From working with sheriffs to install and monitor dropboxes, to working with citizens to lawfully get eyes on, plans are underway to do all we can minimize the kind of exploitation we saw at ballot dropboxes in 2020. RECRUITMENT OF BILINGUAL POLL WORKERS - True the Vote has been steadily reaching out to the Latino community to encourage participation. Check out Voto Honesto, it’s True the Vote, but in Spanish. And of course, we are still collaborating with other pro-liberty groups and fighting on many fronts in court, as lawsuits will continue and likely more in store. PLEASE HELP US IF YOU CAN. WE NEED FINANCIAL SUPPORT NOW MORE THAN EVER. WE KNOW THIS LINK IS BEING BLOCKED BY SEVERAL BROWSERS. IF NECESSARY, YOU CAN TYPE IT IN AT https://truethevote.org/donate
| Many of the plans we have require significant investments in equipment, data, and tech support. What’s our budget? We will immediately deploy every donation. If we can raise $5,000,000, we will scale up and deploy. If we can only raise $500,000 we will scale down and deploy. It’s nearly impossible to know how to forecast. There are so many competing interests, and everything is happening at breakneck speed. But we are ready. We will spin straw to gold. We will stretch every dollar, and be assured, we are working nonstop. | We are all in. We will leave nothing on the field. | PLEASE HELP US IF YOU CAN. WE NEED FINANCIAL SUPPORT NOW MORE THAN EVER. https://truethevote.org/donate | Hundreds of millions will be raised by candidates and PACs for online messaging and flurries of lawsuits. But THERE IS NO REPLACEMENT for rolling up your sleeves, putting on your waders, and engaging in the battle that is happening on the ground. That’s where we are. That’s where we’ll stay. Tip of the spear. | We will never quit. | Ephesians 6:11. To God be the glory. | Ever onward - | | P.S. Please join me tomorrow for Lunch and Learn at noon central, or for the Onward podcast at 6p central. Tomorrow night I’ll be joined by the indomitable Gregg Phillips for a discussion about what’s happened, what’s ahead, how you can serve, and how you can personally prepare for the challenging days ahead. |  | ONWARD.LOCALS.COM |
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