Family, I cannot overstate the gravity of the noble and history-making decision that President Biden just made. The feeling that I have right now is one of profound gratitude.

I am grateful that Joe Biden has been a friend, the most dedicated of public servants, and an extraordinary president.

Cory Booker and President Joe Biden

I was grateful for the opportunity to work with President Biden on some of the most pressing issues facing this nation: passing the expanded child tax credit that significantly reduced child poverty, historic investments in infrastructure, from the Gateway tunnel to urban tree planting to make a healthier environment for all, and defending democratic ideals at home and abroad.

I am grateful that we have a president whose patriotism and love of country drove him to run and win against demagoguery in 2020, and who now, because of that same fierce love and devotion to his fellow Americans, has decided to be the bridge to a new generation of leaders.

Family, if you share in my gratitude, please sign this card and share what makes you grateful for President Joe Biden.

In the coming days I’ll have more to say about the future of the Democratic Party, but for now I just wanted to share my gratitude with you.
