During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Village of Oswego is asking residents to help do their part to keep our waste haulers safe and healthy. As a reminder, the following changes have been made to garbage and recycling services:
- Groot will only dump garbage cans containing bagged trash. If a driver sees loose trash in
the garbage can, the garbage will not be dumped.
- Bagged garbage, not in a garbage can, will be collected. Bags must weigh less than 50 lbs.
- Bulk items such as furniture, carpeting, televisions and appliances are not being collected until further notice.
- Recycling cans will be dumped with loose items since plastic bags are not recyclable items.

- Recycling items outside of the recycling can will not be collected.
- Any household with positive COVID-19 test results or symptoms of COVID-19, should bag all recyclables and place them in the trash until symptoms subside.
Free spring yard waste rescheduled to May 4-8
- Free yard waste collection will be held the week of May 4-8. During the week of May 4-8, residents may put bagged yard waste at the curb without a sticker, and it will be collected.
- All other weeks, yard waste bags are still being collected, but they require stickers.
- Bags must be kraft paper yard waste bags, must weigh less than 50 lbs., and they may not contain dirt or woodchips.
The annual free spring clean-up for bulk items, which requires several workers in close contact with discarded household items and each other, has not been rescheduled.