Dear Partners,

As a reminder, the deadline to sign on to our letter to Congress regarding the next wave of COVID-19 relief is TOMORROW, April 23rd at 10am EDT. We hope that you will join our call asking Congress to ensure all people in our nation can get the care they need to stay healthy. Thank you to those of you who have already joined! 

Through this letter, we are pushing Congress to advance specific policies in the legislation that will:
  • Ensure access to affordable health insurance coverage for all
  • Provide states, localities, and tribes with the financial support they need to respond effectively
  • Protect the health and safety of the health care workforce, and clarify all direct care workers should be considered “essential personnel” to ensure access to PPE
  • Organize national public health capacity
  • Protect all patients’ access to care and prohibit price gouging of health care services
  • Address the devastating and disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on seniors and people with disabilities
  • Ask for state budget relief (“an additional $500 billion”) to mirror the governors’ recently published ask

Thank you for your continued advocacy to protect the people in our nation. 

To your health,

Raven Gomez,
Partnerships Coordinator 

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