Developing and advancing policies that enhance people’s freedom


“Instead of responding with fear and establishing authoritarian policies that risk lifelong mental and physical health for babies and parents, hospitals should take measured approaches that reflect the situation on the ground.”

- Kelsey Bolar, IWF Senior Policy Analyst, on why banning NICU babies from their parents threatens their lives


What’s Behind the Left-Right Divide Over Coronavirus and Our Response?

What is motivating our political divide over coronavirus? Confirmation biases, explains IWF Policy Director Hadley Heath Manning. She says liberals "have a reason to focus on bad news," because President Trump is up for reelection. They want to lower national morale and paint the American response to COVID-19 as poor because this presents an opportunity to push for reforms such as 'Medicare for All' or socialism generally.


President Looks to the Future, but Re-Opening Will Be Politicized

Stock futures began surging when President Trump discussed his plan for re-opening the nation for business. Both Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx support the decision, but it has been politicized. Wall Street Journal editorial board member Kimberley Strassel says, "The political cynicism is extraordinary." Liberals have moved the goalposts and will continue to pin blame on the White House for the natural course of a pandemic.


Due Process for Me, but Not for Thee

In a stunning about-face, Alyssa Milano no longer "believes all women." The self-appointed spokesperson for the #MeToo movement doesn't believe the allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. Independent Women's Law Center (IWLC) Director Jennifer C. Braceras says, "What a difference party affiliation makes."


Sexual Assault on Campus

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Despite activists weaponizing the coronavirus crisis as a delaying tactic, the Department of Education is expected to issue long-awaited Title IX regulations. The regulations will formalize the obligations of schools to investigate claims of sexual assault on campus and clarify the rights of all students.

Can you identify which of the following statements is NOT true about sexual assault on campus?

A:  College is a dangerous place where one-in-four female students are sexually assaulted.
B:  Many colleges and universities today adopt expansive definitions of sexual misconduct that conflate criminal assault with inappropriate behavior or even disappointment and regret.
C:  Procedures adopted by campus sex bureaucracies often deny students accused of sexual misconduct the right to question their accusers or submit evidence such as text messages that may suggest consent.


Coronavirus Small Business Loan Program

When the federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) ran out of money last week, the program seemed doomed because of partisan wrangling. However, yesterday congressional leaders and the White House struck a deal to replenish the program and the Senate quickly passed the new injection of funds. By the end of the week, if the House also passes the bill, the popular loan program may be back up and running—and not a moment too soon. The new deal is not entirely the “clean bill” (i.e. only funds for the PPP) that conservatives wanted, but it’s not laden with giveaways that liberals were demanding either. IWF Senior Policy Analyst Patrice Onwuka has the details.
Dr. Nicole Saphier on Her New Book, Make America Healthy Again


The Kids Are Not Alright

Many college students have begun to hear rumblings that they will be stuck at home for months longer than expected, says IWLC Director Jennifer C. Braceras. Discussions about delayed start dates are fueled by the realization that COVID-19 will be with us for some time. Even if large sectors of the American economy are able to reopen, residential colleges are unlikely to reopen until a vaccine is widely available.

Opportunity for States to Expedite Infrastructure Projects

In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis and the Department of Transportation recently announced plans to accelerate critical infrastructure projects valued at $2.1 billion across the state. This makes a lot of sense. Why not go ahead and take on these projects now while traffic is sparse? States should make use of this time and follow Florida’s example by expediting as many transportation-related infrastructure projects as possible.

Connecticut Senator Claims Coronavirus Crisis Isn’t China’s Fault

Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy hates the President so much, he appears willing to give China a free pass for enabling COVID-19 to become a global pandemic. As Congressman Dan Crenshaw put it, Sen. Murphy’s remarks are what happens “when your hatred for Trump makes you defend a communist government that deliberately hid a virus they knew was spreading around the world.”