Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

Fifty years ago, millions of Americans celebrated the first Earth Day in communities across the country. They stood up and spoke out for clean air, safe water, wildlife protections, and more.

Their collective voices started a movement that continues to this day in our fight against the greatest challenge of our time: climate change.

This Earth Day, let's recommit to protecting the one planet we have so we can leave it in better shape for future generations. Take the pledge to meet the test of our time by doing your part to build a cleaner and safer world for all of us.


While Americans are sheltering in place and reducing their carbon emissions, the Trump administration is quietly gutting clean air standards in the middle of a deadly respiratory pandemic. This is what happens when leaders don't listen to experts and lack a basic understanding of science.

Chris is a leading voice in the Senate in the fight against climate change. He's introduced landmark legislation to put a price on carbon, and he launched the bipartisan Senate Climate Solutions Caucus to help move climate legislation through congressional gridlock. For his work, he's earned endorsements from the National Wildlife Federation Action Fund and the Humane Society Legislative Fund.

While Congress must play a role in confronting climate change, we also need Americans to help lead on this important issue. Will you help Chris celebrate Earth Day by taking the pledge to meet the challenge of climate change today?

Thank you,

Campaign Manager
Chris Coons for Delaware


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Paid for by Chris Coons for Delaware