Fellow Conservative,

Sen. Ted Cruz addressed Texas delegates at the Republican National Convention and had some bad news.

He said Democrats may spend up to $150 MILLION to unseat him! That's right — radical Democrats led by Soros, Beto and Wendy Davis want to TURN TEXAS BLUE and they're after all of us.

Sen. Cruz's last reelection was VERY CLOSE. The radical left is emboldened and well funded.  This election year, Texas truly is a battlefield. We CANNOT take this for granted.

Leftist billionaire George Soros has dumped MILLIONS into Texas already, with A LOT more on the way.

Beto O'Rourke and Wendy Davis are back too — they both already endorsed my radical liberal opponent in TX-21.
A Clear Choice in Texas. Act Now >>
Here's the truth, Fellow Conservative... Soros, Beto and Wendy Davis are working together with everything they can to flip the Senate seat, our congressional district, and the whole state!

That's why I'm reaching out. There's no time to waste.

Please, confirm your commitment to Texas and conservative values RIGHT NOW!

Chuck Schumer has already bragged to the media saying, “I think we’re gonna win in Texas.”

Instead of running for office again, Beto is running a statewide "voter registration" effort while dark money PACs are FLOODING Democrat campaigns with cash.

Our district and Texas are ABSOLUTELY in play this year... Can you help us keep Texas red, safe, and free?

Chip in whatever you can.
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For Texas,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

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