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The Future of Primary Care, and the State of Small Business Health Insurance

The Future of Primary Care

The coronavirus pandemic has hit the nation’s struggling primary care system hard. But could the crisis present an opportunity to change the way we provide and pay for primary care?

On To the Point, the Commonwealth Fund’s Corinne Lewis and colleagues highlight the shortcomings of primary care in the United States — problems that have grown worse during the pandemic.

They offer several strategies for building a more robust primary care system, starting with increasing what we pay primary care providers and ensuring that people can more easily get these services that are critical to maintaining health. 

The State of Health Insurance for Small Businesses

When the Affordable Care Act was passed, one of the biggest concerns some people had was that the law would burden small businesses and damage the small-group health insurance market. 

But a new Commonwealth Fund analysis on To the Point by Michael McCue and Mark Hall finds that those dire predictions haven’t come true. Instead, the ACA has substantially increased coverage for workers in small businesses, helped stabilize premiums, and expanded competition among insurers. 

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