Fight Back Against AOC Celebrating Texas Job Destruction
Fellow conservative,

They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Radical Democrats are so obsessed with pushing extreme environmental policies that they're now openly celebrating the destruction of the Texas economy and energy jobs.

When oil prices sunk to negative levels on Monday, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in her now infamous deleted tweet, "You absolutely love to see it."
This Coronavirus pandemic has left more than 22 million unemployed. Many of them are right here in Texas. But AOC apparently cares more about pushing her radical "Green New Deal" than the crisis's impact on hundreds of thousands of oil and gas jobs.

Let me be perfectly clear: You can be sure that is who extreme liberal Wendy Davis would align with in Washington. AOC and her far-left allies point and laugh while workers suffer. This is what they think of you.

Will you help us fight back against the radical left by chipping in $25, $50, $100, $250, or even $500?
DONATE: Stand With Us Against AOC and the Radical Left

Make no mistake—these leftist Democrats want you, Texans, to suffer. This is why they inexplicably hold off badly-needed funding for small businesses. It's why they mock our oil and gas producers who employ tens of thousands and fund Texas schools and hospitals.

We have to fight back. We have to take a stand.

For our oil and gas workers. For our medical community. For our small businesses. For our schools. For our livelihood.

As of the end of last quarter, Wendy Davis has about a half-million dollar lead on us. That's what fundraising from national liberal elites during a national health crisis will get you.

This is all so she can go to Washington and align herself with AOC, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the far-left Democrats who laugh in your face when you find yourself out of work.

As for me, I'm standing with you.

Let's show them that we won't take their radical mockery any longer.

For Texas,

Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

DONATE: Stand With Us Against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
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