News from Representative Betty McCollum


July 19, 2024

Dear Fourth District Constituent,


Americans are struggling to understand the appalling act of political violence at a Trump campaign rally last weekend.  This attempted assassination was a wake-up call that no one is immune from America’s epidemic of gun violence.  Tragically, a father who also served as a firefighter was killed as he protected his family and two others were critically injured.  No one should have to fear for their life at a political event.  


America’s gun violence epidemic is a threat to our democracy


We must all stand up against acts political violence, and against all gun violence, because they are grave threats to our safety, but also our democracy.

Every day, gun violence is devastating families, ripping apart communities, and forcing all of us to question our own safety. The common denominator is guns and easy access to guns by those intent on committing acts of violence.

Unbelievably, just days after a 20-year-old fired fatal shots at a presidential campaign rally, a federal appeals court ruled that a Minnesota law limiting young people under age 21 from openly carrying firearms was unconstitutional. This ruling puts Minnesotans at greater risk of gun violence. Prioritizing easy access to guns ahead of protecting lives does nothing to make us safer. It overrules the will of the people of Minnesota seeking to protect our communities from the epidemic of gun violence.


For me, the safety of families and communities is my priority. In Congress, my voice, my vote, and my values remain focused on common sense measures that reduce gun violence, keep guns off our streets, and eliminate access to guns that are designed for mass murder. Our public safety and our democracy depend on it. It is time for the American people – all of us – to have our voices heard and change the political dynamic that is allowing the gun lobby to promote gun sales while dismantling and blocking gun safety laws and legislation.




I spent this week in Minnesota as the House was on a District Work Period.  I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to connect with Minnesotans in the Fourth District, and enjoy the incredible beauty of our great state!


Restoring a sense of justice for the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe



On Wednesday, I was humbled to join Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe members, including Chairman Faron Jackson, Sr., members of the Tribal Council, Senator Tina Smith, Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan, as well as other federal and state officials to celebrate a truly historic win, as more than 11,000 acres of land were officially returned to the tribe.

These lands always rightfully belonged to the Leech Lake Band as part of their treaty guaranteed homeland. However, the federal government held them decades after being illegally transferred out of trust status.

Senator Smith and I carried the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Reservation Restoration Act, through Congress to authorize this significant step toward addressing that historic injustice. Decades of hard work, dedication, and advocacy from tribal leaders led to its passage by Congress and signing into law.

ImageThe return of this land will help to meet the needs for more housing and opens other opportunities. But critically, it restores a sense of justice for the Leech Lake Band.

And that work continues, with collaboration from federal officials from the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Indian Affairs as more federal land has been identified that rightly belongs in trust for the Leech Lake Band. My commitment remains to continue the work to see those restorations through as well.

These are not merely acres of land, they are homelands and waters to the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe and they are a manifestation of their sovereignty as a tribal nation. They are a promise to future generations.


Friday Morning Meetup


I appreciated the opportunity to stop by a meet & greet with Saint Paul Ward 1 Council Member Anika Bowie on Friday. Thanks to those who came out to make your voices heard!




Disability Pride in Minnesota

This week Minnesotans gathered to celebrate 2nd annual Disability Pride Month. DuringImage Disability Pride Month we recognize the diverse experiences of Minnesotans and affirm our commitment to inclusion for all people. We recommit our support to each other and the fact that all people regardless of ability deserve the opportunity to thrive.


I have introduced House Resolution 619 in Congress, which federally recognizes July as Disability Pride Month. Federal recognition will raise awareness, advance disability rights, improve visibility, and increase accessibility. I’m proud to work with disability advocates in MN-04 and beyond as they strive towards a nation where all people can achieve accessibility, equity, and equal rights.


Biden-Harris Administration Helping Minnesotans


This week, the Biden Administration took even more steps to help Minnesotans. When a federal appeals court temporarily blocked the SAVE student loan repayment plan, the administration quickly stepped in placing eight million student borrowers’ loans in interest-free forbearance.

The Department of Homeland Security also announced that thousands of Somali nationals who fled violence and famine and now reside and work in the U.S. will be allowed to extend and newly apply for Temporary Protected Status for 18 months.


More this week:


Rondo Days is officially back! After a five-year hiatus the festival will be held this Saturday July 20th, celebrating 42 years of bringing our communities together.  A great time to celebrate Saint Paul's rich cultural diversity and contributions of Saint Paul’s Historic Rondo neighborhood. 


The Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge and the City of Bloomington in partnership with local community organizations will host Latino Nature Fest. An event celebrating the diverse cultures and rich traditions that make up the Latino community and the nature that connects us all.


Stay in touch: Voice your policy opinion, ask for help with a federal agency, or find all of my recent statements at





Betty McCollum
Member of Congress


Washington D.C. Office
2426 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6631
St. Paul Office
661 LaSalle St. Suite #110
St. Paul, Minnesota 55114
Phone: (651) 224-9191
Fax: (651) 224-3056


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