Dear Friend,
We are proud today to be sharing Volume 26, no. 2 of Science for the People magazine, “Ways of Knowing”. This issue deals with indigenous epistemology, and shows us how knowledge production can occur outside the confines of the ivory tower. Another motivation for working on this topic was to teach ourselves to collectively learn from and honor our elders, which our organization is rich in.
You can purchase this issue here.
You may also be interested in subscribing to future issues of Science for the People. Our magazine is run by volunteers and relies on donation and potential subscribers like you. Please take a moment to sign up, or support us on Patreon.
We will, as always, post all the stories online on a rolling basis so non-subscribers can read them too. We hope you continue to be a part of Science for the People; the struggle for a better science and society is only beginning.
In solidarity,
Science for the People