
There’s something I want to get off my chest.

I noticed something last night while watching the Republican National Convention. Almost every woman in the Trump family wore white. Almost every man in the room wore a navy suit and red tie.

“It’s a cult,” I thought. “Wow, they really don’t
look like us.”

But then I realized something… Most Democrats at these major political events don’t look like us, either. Not at these events, and not in Congress.

Do you ever feel like our representatives are kind of detached from us, on both sides of the aisle? John
, I think it’s because they are. Not all of them, but most of them.

They don’t look like us. They don’t dress like us. They don’t struggle to find enough time in a day like us, because they have help. They don’t know what it’s like to work a 9-to-5 job and still worry about putting food on the table. They don’t have to wonder how they’ll afford to take care of their parents, if they live long enough that they aren’t able to take care of themselves.

Most of them don’t know what it’s like to be us, so they don’t care about us. 

I’m a dad, raising two boys on one income. I’m a diabetic on expensive medications. I’ve had to sell my things to make rent or buy groceries. I’ve been late to work and worried if I’d still have a job the next day. 

I’ve struggled to survive, and so many are
right now. How can we expect our lawmakers to give all of their effort to helping us when most of them don’t know what it’s like to need help, to be a hard worker out of work, or to not know where the money for our food is going to come from?

I became a foster parent years ago to provide a safe and stable home to older kids, who usually get left out of adoption. I adopted my sons, two brothers, to keep them from being split apart by the system.


If we had leaders who knew what life is like for the majority of Americans, would our systems be better? Could we provide for foster kids, for families, and for the homeless?


Republican policies are silencing and terrorizing us: abortion bans, book bans, erasing history, silencing and shaming LGBTQ+ Americans both young and old. 


I know that Democrats are fighting for us, but they’re fighting for a version of “normal” that already wasn’t good enough, that didn’t give us the help that we need.


We’ve been neglected. When I get to Congress, I’m going to change that. It stops with us, but I need your help to make it possible.

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Next month, assuming the campaign has the money, I will be at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago with a lot of these people who don’t look like you or me. 


John, I’m excited to be a delegate to the convention this year, but the real honor is getting to represent us – struggling American families, living in households where a hand-me-down is a t-shirt, not a jewel or a rusted piece of memorabilia from some war. 


This might be the most important presidential convention of our lifetimes, and it’s important that someone who doesn’t look like them is there.


It’s also important that someone from a red state is there. The national party tends to ignore states like mine because they think Democrats can’t win. The truth is, if we can’t win, then their ignoring us is at least partially to blame.


This is our opportunity to show the D.C. bureaucrats that ALL DEMOCRATS, even those in “red states,” have the strength, resilience, and dedication to make a difference nationwide. 


I’m not giving up on our country, and I’m sure as Hell not giving up on Idaho. This state doesn’t have to be red, and neither does Congress next year.


I couldn’t do this without you.




David Roth is a single, gay dad running for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. We’re going up against a GOP incumbent who has been in this seat for 25 years. It’s time for change in Idaho, and our grassroots campaign is building on the momentum that began in David’s race for U.S. Senate last cycle. The GOP is not planning to defend this seat, so we plan to take it from them and help Democrats retake the House majority next year. We’d love your support to build a solid campaign to bring progress to Idaho and the country.


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Idaho Falls, ID 83404


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