Last night, a new FEC report revealed a huge money influx coming in to defeat Andrei in the election just 11 days from now.

Paid for by Andrei for Arizona

Cherny for Congress Countdown Clock: 11 days until Election Day | Andrei Cherny for Congress

John —

Late last night an FEC report showed that one of Andrei’s opponents just gave his campaign another $580,000 — which he is spending on TV right now to defeat Andrei in the election only 11 days away.

That is on top of an outside group spending big money to spread untruths against Andrei to voters in these critical days. 

So we mean it when we say Andrei is up against a flood of spending and false attacks and that we need your support to fight back.

Despite all the record-breaking support of this grassroots team over the past months, we are being outspent in the final stretch by self-funding opponents who have given their campaigns millions of dollars!

Can you pitch in now to ensure Andrei’s message of positive change for Arizona breaks through the noise? Every contribution helps us reach more voters before July 30.

For too long shadowy spending groups, corporate PACs, and wealthy individuals have thought they can buy elections. But they can’t buy what Andrei has: a 25-year track record that voters trust of fighting for the priorities and values we believe in. 

Here’s what we know: When voters learn about Andrei and his message, we win. And win big! But we need your help in these final days to compete with the flood of information coming from our opponents.

Will you help with a contribution at any level today so we can make sure voters learn about Andrei before July 30?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

Andrei for Arizona