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Congressman Kim Meets with Army Corps of Engineers 


This week, Congressman Kim spoke with a group of Army Corps of Engineers civilians about a wide range of topics, including his legislative work to support our armed forces, local work the Army Corps is doing to combat erosion and flooding issues in our state, and the importance of valuing public service throughout different levels of government work. It was great to get to know this group and talk through what was on their minds!

Two Year Anniversary of the 988 Lifeline


This Tuesday marked two years of the 988 Lifeline. Congressman Kim supported the 988 Lifeline in Congress to take a crucial step in ensuring everyone can access essential mental healthcare when they need it most.


It's important to remember that anyone across the country can dial 9-8-8 for free, confidential support available 24/7. Congressman Kim is committed to addressing mental health needs in our community and building off this progress to expand affordable and comprehensive access to care.


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