Ballots drop today + State of the race


Ballots hit mailboxes today and votes are already coming in. These next few weeks are absolutely critical.


Democratic leadership is turning on each other, and voters are more fed up with politics as usual than they’ve ever been.


We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to completely change the game here in WA-02. Let me break it down:


I often hear from voters that they agree with me on policy, and they’re ready for a change. But they’re worried that voting for me will end up being a “spoiler” and help a Republican take this seat.


That is NOT possible in this race.


Washington uses a Top Two “jungle primary” system where the top two vote getters are the only two candidates to advance to the general election.


The race this year is a crowded one, with the corporate Democrat incumbent facing 3 challengers from within his own party AND 3 Republicans. Our campaign is the only one that has ever credibly challenged Larsen on his corrupt, corporate agenda, and we’re the only campaign with a shot at getting on the general election ballot.


If there IS a spoiler in this race, it’s any one of the three Democrats running against him that risk pulling progressive votes away from our campaign and put an unwinnable Republican extremist in the general election against Larsen.

A graphic featuring a tweet from Jason Call with a screenshot of the FEC filings showing Josh Binda having raised zero dollars and Jason having raised more than all the other opponents combined.

The last time I ran against Rick Larsen, I raised more than any other opponent he faced. We missed the general election by just a couple of points.


This time around I am STILL Larsen’s best funded opponent, and the only one running a real campaign with a shot at unseating him.


I won’t sugarcoat it. Even though we’ve raised more money than all the other challengers combined, we are still a grassroots campaign – and I can’t do this without you.


Now that ballots are here, we’re up against the clock. Just today we talked to a voter who didn’t know there was a primary coming up and hadn’t received their ballot yet. Now they’re committed to voting Green to take down Larsen and the war machine.


Thanks to everyone who pitched in the last few days we were able to reach out to another 40K voters out of our target of 100K. We need to raise another $3000 to reach the other 60K before too many ballots are cast. Can you donate $25, $50, $100 or more today?

The news right now is pretty bleak as far as the November election is concerned. The Democrats are falling apart and the Republicans are arming up.


Americans are furious with our government funding and arming a genocide, skyrocketing cost of living, and total inaction on the climate emergency.


If there’s ever been a year for the Greens to break through – it’s this year. And if there’s any district in the country where the Greens can get a foothold in Congress – it’s this district.


The LAST thing Rick Larsen wants is to face me in November. Let’s make sure he has to.


In solidarity,




Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at, and donate today to help us make history.


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