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New signature series
Stone Social Impact Forum featuring innovative education leader Geoffrey Canada
Tuesday, September 10 • 5:30 p.m.
Innovative education leader Geoffrey Canada, president and founder of Harlem Children’s Zone, is the inaugural speaker for the Stone Social Impact Forum, a new signature series highlighting civic change agents who innovatively address areas of inequality in our society.
Geoffrey Canada will share the journey of Harlem Children’s Zone and discuss how equal access to a quality education is the cornerstone of a healthy democracy. Canada will also participate in a conversation around his theory of change, the importance of youth engagement, and his vision for how each person can positively contribute to their communities and civic life.
We invite you to join us on Tuesday, September 10, for the inaugural Stone Social Impact Forum. The event is free with advanced registration kindly requested.
The Stone Social Impact Forum is an annual series that features bold civic change agents who demonstrate various pathways to tackle inequality, advance social change, and inspire all people to be civically active. The Forum is a joint initiative of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate and the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation made possible through the generous support of the James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Foundation.
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