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In the midst of the political turbulence swirling around us, it is important to hold fast to those universal principles which govern the world in which we live.? Human beings are not animals, and we are capable of transforming our relationship to nature in profound ways, which benefit both humanity and nature.? In order to do this, we must humble ourselves and study the principles by which our universe was created. Exploration of space is one crucial aspect of that effort.? Saturday, July 20 marks the 55th anniversary of the first steps of human beings on the moon.? How did we get there?? Why did Lyndon LaRouche say that a 40 years program to colonize Mars would increase the standard of living for the American people by an order of magnitude?? Join us tonight at 8pm!

New York Symposium, July 19, 2024, 8:00 PM:?'Apollo 11 55th Anniversary: What Happened to the US Space Program?'



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