Dear movement family,
The twin crises of COVID-19 and economic collapse has forced all of us to make adjustments both big and small. When we announced that the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington is going digital, we knew we must organize in new and bold ways to force the agenda of the poor and dispossessed into the center of the political narrative.
That’s why we are excited to join
Earth Day Live and the
Youth Climate Strike today. Young people across the country had planned for a massive wave of climate strikes to demand action on climate change and ecological devastation, and they too have had to adjust. But what has come together is a powerful demonstration of a generation that will not sit idly by while this nation continues to place profits before people and the planet.
Tune in for an Earth Day Live discussion with Rev. Dr. Barber and Rev. Dr. Theoharis this afternoon, from 3 PM to 3:30 ET.

Before that, checkout this Walkout Wednesday conversation between Rev. Dr. Barber, Mary Kay Henry, and workers with SEIU here at 1 PM ET. Then this weekend join us on Saturday as Rev. Dr. Theoharis discusses militarism and the war on the poor with a World Conference and this Sunday at 6 PM ET for the Kairos Center’s Freedom Church of the Poor.
On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we stand on the shoulders of generations of leaders who were committed to building a better nation. Now, the baton is in our hands. Please continue to share the Poverty Amidst Pandemic demands and organize for the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington June 20, 2020.
Forward together,
Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis
Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival