Hi John,
Line 5 is an aging pipeline run by multibillion-dollar Canadian oil conglomerate Enbridge Energy. The pipeline currently pumps 23 million gallons of crude oil and methane gas liquids daily through northern Wisconsin. For more 10 years, Enbridge’s operation of Line 5 has illegally trespassed on the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa reservation, violating the Tribe’s sovereignty and threatening the waters of Lake Superior. Now, Enbridge is attempting an invasive reroute project to expand Line 5 and allow the Canadian fossil fuel giant to profit from the pipeline for years to come.
TAKE ACTION: Tell the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Reject Line 5 to protect water, climate, and Treaty Rights >>>
The dangerous reroute project would take place just outside the reservation’s borders, crossing 180 permanent and intermittent streams, wetlands, and other water bodies. An oil spill could eviscerate local economies and generations of cultural practice and identity for members of the Bad River Band, who have relied on the wild rice, the fish, and the watershed for centuries.
To move forward, Enbridge needs a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In May, the Corps announced a public comment period for its draft environmental assessment of the reroute. This is a key opportunity to share your concerns with the Corps and uplift how Line 5 threatens water, climate, and treaty rights. The Corps’ draft is insufficient and should be upgraded to a robust Environmental Impact Statement analyzing the full impacts of Line 5. Above all, given the risk Line 5 poses, the Corps should ultimately reject the permit and stop Enbridge’s plan.
ACT NOW: Urge the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to oppose Enbridge’s plans and to reject Line 5 >>>