Bearded Vulture release season highlights 
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Dear John
The Bearded Vulture release season 2024 has successfully come to an end. Thanks to the tireless efforts and collaboration within the Bearded Vulture Captive Breeding network, 53 chicks hatched, 44 fledged and 24 were released into the wild across Europe. 
This season marked an all-time high for both captive breeding, as well as reintroduction and restocking efforts, a milestone worth celebrating!
In this email, we would like to share some insights into the journeys of these young vultures. Scroll down to see the recap video!
Block 7th
Block 8th
Block 9th
Block 10th
Block 11th
Block 12th
Block 13th
Block 14th
Block 15th
Block 16th

Youtube video
We hope you have enjoyed to learn more about these magnificent young vultures. Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement 
– it keeps us going.


© Photo credits in order of appearance:
1. Markus Leitner – LBV | 2. Pascal Orabi – LPO | 3. © Junta de Andalucía | 4. © Pascal Orabi - LPO | © 5. Parc naturel régional du Vercors | 6. © Markus Leitner – LBV | 7. © Enric Vilaubí | 8. Stiftung Pro Bartgeier | 9. © Martin Boone | 10-11. © Junta de Andalucía

Vulture Conservation Foundation, Wuhrstrasse 12
Zürich, CH-8003, Switzerland