Dear John:

Mitch McConnell and the U.S. Senate just passed a pathetic COVID19 recovery bill that leaves out the vast majority of the people suffering during this pandemic. Now McConnell wants to hit the breaks on any bills that would help people on the front lines of this crisis.

Can you chip in $10 so we can up the pressure on McConnell ASAP?

Let’s be clear about this situation: In a week, the rent is due again for the millions of people who lost their jobs and health coverage during a global pandemic. And, we don’t have adequate testing for COVID19, not by a long shot.

Maybe Congress has taken social distancing too far. Apparently they are a trillion feet away from what people in their districts need to get by.

Help us fight back for the people on the front lines of this crisis with your $10 donation.

Instead of playing small ball, Congress should immediately pass Rep. Ilhan Omar’s bill to cancel rent and mortgage payments for the duration of the crisis; Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s bill to provide emergency health care coverage during the pandemic; and the bill by Reps. Jayapal and Rashida Tlaib to provide $2,000 cash assistance to every person, every month, for the duration of the crisis. We’re fighting to get this done, and with Mitch McConnell in the way, it’s a long shot–we can’t do it without you.

Please donate today.


George Goehl

People’s Action

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