John, extreme MAGA Republicans continue to boast an agenda that is anti-abortion, anti-freedom and anti-American.

While they disregard the needs of hardworking families, Democrats will continue to listen.

That’s why I’m inviting you to participate in the DCCC's Democratic Priorities Survey. Will you please take a few moments to let us know what matters to you ahead of the most important elections of our lives? >>

Activist: [email protected]
Response ID: #26727743
Representing: PA Democrats
Survey Response: PENDING >>

Submit Your Response >>

Project 2025 -- a nearly thousand-page far-right manifesto -- outlines the irreparable damage GOP extremists plan to unleash should the twice-impeached former president be reelected.

All week long, we've listened to GOP plans to make this dangerous, dastardly and diabolical blueprint a reality for our nation’s future.

Democrats will continue to find common ground when possible, hold Team Extreme accountable when necessary and always put People Over Politics.

That’s why it’s imperative to hear from grassroots supporters like you right now. Your feedback is crucial to helping House Democrats develop a winning strategy for November.

Every family in this country is counting on us to reclaim the House for Democrats to continue delivering For The People. Please, John: Will you take a few moments out of your day to complete the DCCC’s official Democratic Priorities Survey?

We look forward to reviewing your responses,


Chip in a weekly recurring $1 to elect House Dems >>
Chip in a monthly recurring $5 to elect House Dems >>

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