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Friends and neighbors, 


Recent heatwaves have attracted widespread media coverage, but this focus ignores important historical data that goes against the story of an unprecedented climate crisis. As mainstream press runs more and more of these stories during the dog days of summer, it is crucial to look at the full picture of temperature records across the United States. 


For example, August high-temperature records show a pattern that doesn't fit with common climate change alarmism. Thirty-six states set their highest-ever August temperatures before 1965, with 34 of those happening before 1955. Minnesota's August record was set back in 1947. In 1936 alone, eight states recorded their hottest August temperatures, followed by seven in 1918, and four each in 1930 and 1983.  


In other words, extreme heat isn't new


As summer reaches its peak, let’s remember to think critically about the stories we read in the mainstream press – especially climate news stories. Heatwaves like the one that gripped much of the Western US last week are worrying, and the deaths they have caused are tragic, but we must also view them alongside past climate patterns. The full temperature record doesn't support the dire claims made by climate alarmists. Instead, it suggests our climate has always had big swings, with extreme events happening throughout recorded history. 


If you have any questions, please reach out any time. 


God Bless,

Glenn Gruenhagen

Minnesota Senate, District 17


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2417
St. Paul, MN 55155
