It doesn’t have to be this way.

Emily Randall for Congress

Your signature needed, friend: We must reform the Supreme Court NOW →

Let’s face it: The Supreme Court is broken.

From accepting gifts from shady billionaires to allowing Trump (or any president!) to break the law to stripping us of our rights to make choices about our own bodies, this Court has done massive damage to public trust – and they still have their jobs for life.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Here are just a few common sense ideas to fix the Court:

⏰ Term limits. The United States is one of the few countries that allows lifetime appointments to its highest court. The TERM Act would limit their tenure to 18 years.

🏛️ Add seats. We’ve changed the number of Supreme Court justices six times before. It could be our best option to rebalance the Court and defend our future.

🔍 Ethics commission. When a billionaire with business before the Court can give a justice lavish gifts with no consequences, you need a full-on top-to-bottom ethics review and comprehensive reform.

Sign on if you support these ideas to fix our broken Supreme Court — and please add your own! The old ways of doing business have failed. The next Congress must be bold and unapologetic in reforming our broken systems.


Thank you so much for taking action and adding your voice.

– Emily







Emily Randall for Congress
P.O. Box 1883
Port Orchard, WA 98366
United States