There definitely won't be a King's speech on a dead planet but are traditions like this meaningful anymore?
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Hi John,

So, it’s official… the King has spoken! But does this grand and over the top spectacle mean anything?

An aerial shot of the King's speech on 17 July 2024

Does this mean the new UK government acknowledges the scale of the climate emergency and understands how a heating planet will make vast areas of the planet uninhabitable, cause food scarcities and extreme weather?

Afterall, they’ve now announced … *checks notes* …  a new energy company, personal liability for water company bosses and some low emission aviation fuel. Uhmm… 🤔

Well, it’s a start, but nowhere near enough to tackle the scale of the emergency we’re facing. We might have a new government, but those in power still aren’t showing the leadership we need.

We can’t see the change we desperately need within a system that’s failing us so badly. We need to protest against our broken political system and demand an urgent upgrade.

So yeah… our plan to occupy Windsor is firmly on our agenda still! Will you support us?

In case you’ve missed the memo: XR is occupying Windsor from 30 August - 1 September. We’re targeting the system where money and power is concentrated in the hands of a few.

We’re targeting the aristocrats, oligarchs and corporate interests that infect and distort the political system for their own benefit and at our expense.

We’re not there to just paint a picture of the world we want to see through outreach, art and creativity but also to deliver the largest massembly the UK has ever seen!

Why? Because we MUST have a citizen assembly declared for the climate and ecological breakdown in this country. 

You play a pivotal role in changing the future! Together, let's set out to achieve impact. Support the change we urgently need! Donate. Unite. Deliver.

Love and Rage

XR UK Fundraising Team


Photo Credit: Alamy


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