We want to share the following request from the Cover Alabama Coalition. Alabama Arise is a founding member of Cover Alabama, which is shining a light on our state's need to expand Medicaid.


We have made great strides in our efforts. We are midway through our week of action calling on Gov. Kay Ivey and lawmakers to expand Medicaid. Thank you for all your actions so far!

Last week, we heard from Gov. Ivey and key leadership that now isn't the time to expand Medicaid.
We disagree, and we think the best way to change course is by having hundreds of phone calls from constituents throughout the state.

Will you join us in calling Governor Kay Ivey and our legislative leaders to encourage them to expand Medicaid in Alabama?

Call Gov. Ivey and our leadership today and tell them that there is no better time than now to expand Medicaid! Our health care infrastructure, economy and most importantly, sick Alabamians need expansion the most.  

Click here to be connected to Gov. Ivey and lawmakers today! Our system will walk you through the simple steps to be connected. You can leave a message in just 60 seconds.

Sample Call Script:

Hi, my name is (YOUR NAME), and I'm calling from (YOUR CITY) as part of the Cover Alabama campaign. I'm asking you to prioritize expanding Medicaid so that ALL Alabamians can get healthy and keep working.

Many of our front-line workers, including grocery store clerks, pharmacy workers, and hospital staff still do not have health insurance.

As this economic and health crisis continues, we must use every tool available to maximize every dollar in Alabama's budges. Expanding Medicaid would bring in $9 for every $1 the state spends.

Thank you for your time!

Alabama Arise
P.O. Box 1188  | Montgomery, Alabama 36101
(334) 832-9060 | [email protected]

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