I wanted to follow up on the urgent case of Thomas Kearns, whose heartbreaking story we've shared before. Since our last communication, the situation remains unchanged—Thomas is still fighting to retrieve his daughter Clementine's remains from Cherry Hill Women’s Center plus ABR and CAS, led by Linda Tracy Kreiss. This is more than a personal journey; it's a fight for basic human dignity against institutions that deal in fetal remains as common commodities. The Kearns family's plight underlines the importance of collective advocacy to pierce through bureaucratic obstruction. Alone, Thomas Kearns' voice seems inconsequential to the fortress of the abortion conglomerate. That is why I am asking you, as a CitizenGO family member, to stand with Thomas and demand the powers and authorities that hold his daughter's body relent and allow Clementine the respectful dignity of proper burial by her family. Stand with us reinforcing our demand to Cherry Hill, and Linda Tracy Kreiss. It's time they adhere to the demands of human decency and compassion by releasing Clementine's remains.
Thank you for taking a stand alongside Thomas Kearns by remembering Clementine.
Demand Cherry Hill and Linda Tracy Kreiss return Clementine’s body to her family!
Thomas has courage and faith that we will win this battle. He has planned a memorial that will honor his daughter and serve as a beacon of light and healing for all families wounded through abortion. He is asking that we join him and Remember Clementine.
Standing Strong, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. If you have already signed, please share the petition with your friends. #RememberClementine Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Clementine deserves the dignity of burial.
Demand Cherry Hill Women’s Center and Linda Tracy Kreiss from ABR and CAS to release to Thomas Kearns access to his daughter’s remains. Sign the petition now to Remember Clementine!
Sign to Remember Clementine |
Dear John,
I met Thomas Kearns at the Lincoln Memorial, right after the Celebrate Life Rally where he shared his heartbreaking story. He told the crowd gathered there about his daughter, Clementine, whose due date was July 20th, should have been a day to celebrate, but instead, it will be a vigil.
She was aborted in March.
Clementine’s mother, like 60% of abortive mothers, regrets her decision. To compound the tragedy, the staff at Cherry Hill Women’s Center in New Jersey pressured her into signing documents giving the Center permission to transfer Clementine’s fully formed body to a laboratory for experimentation.
Now, Thomas is on a crusade. Although he cannot bring Clementine back from the dead, he plans to bring her broken body back home for burial. Providing, as all good fathers do, love and respect for the cherished daughter she was.
However, Cherry Hill Women’s Center, has repeatedly denied both father and mother access to their daughter's whereabouts. The Center claims it is out of their hands. However, federal law mandates that records be kept of all human fetal remains, giving Thomas courage to continue the fight, knowing there is a chain of documents that will lead to Clementine.
Demand Cherry Hill and Linda Tracy Kreiss return Clementine’s body to her family!
In his quest, he discovered a well-hidden labyrinth of non-profits and corporate offices that handled her body and conducted a stream of transactions. From Cherry Hill Women’s Center, fetal remains are transfered to Advanced Bioscience Resources Inc.(ABR), or Cercle Allocation Services (CAS).
When I called him earlier this week, Thomas was still searching for the names and contact information of executives from ABR and CAS.
Here at CitizenGO, we started the search with him. We had to dig deep into California, Delaware, D.C., Oregon, and New Jersey records. (I tried to call him earlier. I hope he calls me back soon because I have news for him!)
According to legal filings, Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) and Cercle Allocation Services (CAS) are run by the same woman, Linda Tracy Kreiss. She is listed as “Linda Tracy Kreiss,” Director of CAS, and simply as “Linda Tracy,” CEO of ABR. There was a lingering question as to whether “Linda Tracy” is the same person as “Linda Tracy Kreiss,” but when we found “Daniel Kreiss” as the CFO of ABR, our doubts were abated. Linda Tracy Kreiss is at the core of corruption and dark dealings of ABR and CAS.
This information gives us a way to help Thomas! That is where your signature becomes vital to this plan. Abortion conglomerates believe they are impenetrable, to a lone father pounding on their gates. But when we mobilize our hundreds of thousands, we can flood their fortress and demand the release of Clementine to her family.
Demand Cherry Hill and Linda Tracy Kreiss return Clementine’s body to her family!
Linda Tracy Kreiss is no stranger to disturbing allegations of dealing in the illegal marketing of human fetal remains. Her name was called by Senate Judiciary Committee Investigative Panel, where her attorney advised her against answering questions. The House Select Panel referred Linda’s ABR to the DA’s office in southern California for lucrative wholesale distribution of fresh fetal tissue.
For ABR to successfully transfer fetal remains to laboratories, they demand clinics preserve viable organs during the abortion, making them usable for research and development. This type of abortion requires a baby to remain alive during the abortion and dissection, ensuring the valuable commodity of fresh and undamaged organs.
The reality that Clementine's body has been used in experiments haunts Thomas. ABR in assoication with Cherry Hill and other abortion clinics, provides the University of Pittsburgh with fetal remains, that are used to "humanize mice," through injecting mice with human cells, intergrating human tissues, organ transplants, and even baby scalps.
Our outrage must take action today! If not for Clementine, then for who?
Thomas Kearns is fighting for his right as a father to retrieve Clementine’s body and provide a proper burial for her.
Alone, his voice is inconsequential to the abortion conglomerate. That is why I am asking you, as a CitizenGO family member, to stand with Thomas and demand the powers and authorities that hold his daughter's body relent and allow Clementine, the respectful dignity of proper burial by her family. Only we can mobilize the necessary hundreds of thousands of voices to flood the emails of the Drs at Cherry Hill and Linda Tracy Kreiss to release Clementine’s body to her family! It is time to go to battle with a father for his child. Thomas has courage and faith that we will win this battle. He has planned a memorial that will honor his daughter and serve as a beacon of light and healing for all families wounded through abortion. He is asking that we join him and Remember Clementine.
Demand Cherry Hill and Linda Tracy Kreiss return Clementine’s body to her family! Thank you for taking a stand! Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Every signature, every voice, intensifies the call for justice. By graciously giving your support, you help secure a peaceful resting place for Clementine. Let's not let her story go unheard. Stand with us to fortify this father's quest to honor his daughter's life.