Hello John,
The Intercollegiate Studies Institute is proud to announce Michael Brendan Dougherty as the ISI William F. Buckley Jr. Senior Scholar.
In his role with ISI, Michael will undertake extensive research and writing on subjects ranging from United States foreign policy and conservative thought to the life and legacy of William F. Buckley Jr., who served as ISI’s first president in 1953. Michael will also be a featured participant at ISI programs such as our inaugural Grand Strategy online course and our Collegiate Network student editors conference, where he will provide mentorship and inspiration to a rising generation of young journalists.
Daniel McCarthy, ISI Vice President for the Collegiate Network and the editor of ISI’s journal Modern Age, says, “Michael is one of the most compelling conservative writers of our day and has become a uniquely important voice in the conversation on the right about the future of American foreign policy. Michael understands better than anyone the traditions of prudence in world affairs bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers and reaffirmed by the greatest conservative statesmen and thinkers from their time to our own."
"Nearly twenty years ago, William F. Buckley recognized Michael as a leader of the next generation of journalists, and with ISI’s support Michael will be able to repay part of his debt to Buckley through a close study of his thought and by writing at length about his achievements, as we approach the centenary of Buckley’s birth next year.”
Michael Brendan Dougherty currently serves as senior writer for National Review Online. Previously, he was an editor and columnist for The American Conservative and The Week, establishing himself as a notable and respected figure in conservative discourse.
His incisive commentary on politics, religion, and world affairs has appeared in a wide variety of prestigious publications, including The Atlantic, ESPN, The New York Times Magazine, and Politico.
The Intercollegiate Studies Insitute is excited to have Michael Brendan Dougherty join us as the ISI William F. Buckley Jr. Senior Scholar!
Watch the video below to see some of Michael Brendan Dougherty's best moments with ISI.
