From Marian, Greenpeace <>
Subject Urgent: Plastic is Burning
Date July 18, 2024 9:27 AM
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Hi John - I’m Marian from the Philippines.

As I type this, plastic landfill fires are raging across my country, releasing a cocktail of deadly chemicals into our communities.

Children are struggling to breathe. People are confined to their homes, unable to escape the toxic fumes. And it's not just here – this crisis is unfolding across the Global South, in communities least equipped to deal with it.

John, this isn't just pollution – it's a health emergency. And do you know who's fueling these fires? Beauty giants like Dove, with their endless stream of plastic sachets and bottles that are burning near our homes [1].

But here's the thing: it doesn't have to be this way. If enough people reading this email pledge to stop buying Dove products, we'll create a wave of consumer action that's impossible to ignore. This will force Dove to publicly address their plastic problem and make real changes to their packaging.

Will you join me in this fight?

Yes, I’ll stand with Marian: [link removed]

You might think, "How can my signature make a difference?" Let me tell you – it already has.

In 2011, it was people like you, adding their names to petitions, that forced Barbie manufacturers to keep rainforest destruction out of their supply chains [2]. Together, we've faced down corporate giants before. We can do it again.

This isn't just about beauty products. It's about justice. It's about the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the future we're leaving for our children.

John, I'm asking you, from one corner of our shared planet to another: Will you stand with us? Will you use your voice to demand change?!

Yes, I'll use my voice: [link removed]

Every day, I see my neighbours, friends, and fellow activists pushing back against the plastic pollution crisis. We're cleaning beaches and waterways, lobbying local governments, and developing alternative business models that don't depend on single-use plastic. But we can't win this fight alone.

John, this is where you come in.

We're building a global movement to force Dove to face their plastic hypocrisy. Your pledge to stop buying Dove products isn't just a signature – it's a battle cry that echoes from the UK to boardrooms around the world.

Yes, I'll fight alongside Marian: [link removed]

By pressuring Dove, you're pushing an industry giant to lead by example. Dove's shift will ripple across the entire plastics industry, influencing the Global Plastics Treaty being negotiated by leaders across the world.

This is our chance to turn the tide on plastic pollution and redefine what real beauty means for our planet. The choice is clear. The time is now. Are you with us?

In solidarity and hope,
Marian Ledesma
Greenpeace Philippines

[1] 5 reasons to Ditch Dove this Summer: [link removed]
[2] Success: Barbie and Mattel drop deforestation! [link removed]

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