John — many have been left wondering how we move forward as a nation following the shocking events of the past week.

Cory has been showing us the way. It’s been the basis for his entire lifetime of service.

Cory understands that we demonstrate our love for one another when we ensure that the hungry are fed, that the unsheltered are housed, and that the sick are treated and cared for.

Cory and Senate Democrats understand that when we are working to protect and expand health care, create more affordable housing, and lower costs, we are also sending a message that we are all in this together — that the people we elect to Congress have our back.

The Republican plan of cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy would leave communities across the country more vulnerable, left further behind, paying more of their hard-earned dollars just to get by.

But it would do more than that. It would send a message that greed is a more important goal than making childcare and elder care more affordable. That a few special interests are more important than the interests of the American people.

We cannot send the American people that message in such fraught times as this.

John, will you make a small contribution of $5 or more to help Cory and Senate Democrats defend the majority and continue their work to create the more just, loving nation we can become?

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We know what we believe in. Now it’s time to motivate and mobilize the American people to the ballot box with that vision.

— Team Booker